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Combined Tours

Armenia & Georgia <br /> 8days/ 7 nights
Armenia & Georgia
8days/ 7 nights
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Georgia & Armenia <br /> 7 days/ 6 nights
Georgia & Armenia
7 days/ 6 nights
FROM: 706.33 USD
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Armenia - Georgia: Classic Tour <br />  8 days / 7 nights
Armenia - Georgia: Classic Tour
8 days / 7 nights
FROM: 949.37 USD
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Combined Tour in Armenia and Georgia

Armenia and Georgia are two countries  are the personification of many fruit abundance, the beauty of the mountains, barbecues and great wines. On the territory of Georgia and Armenia there is a huge number of historical, cultural and religious monuments, acquaintance with which will bring true pleasure to any connoisseur of antiquity. The magnificent nature of these countries, the cleanest fresh air, ecologically clean food, beaches and mountains - all this attracts a large number of tourists to this region.

 The company EDEN TOUR organizes ten-day combined tours in Armenia and Georgia, during which tourists can get acquainted with the main sights of these countries of Transcaucasia. Travelers will appreciate the excellent cuisine of these countries, which is known throughout the world. Excellent service in hotels of Georgia and Armenia is no different from European, and the hospitality of the residents of Armenia and Georgia is unmatched at all. The peoples of these mountainous republics are amazingly musical, they glorify their country with wonderful works of art, which can be found in numerous museums and at popular exhibitions.

On the fields and in the gardens of Georgia and Armenia, a huge number of fruits and vegetables are growing, in the mountains grow medicinal herbs with a special aroma and great healing power. Spices that grow in these countries make the national dishes of these Caucasian countries absolutely unique, giving them a unique color and taste.

EDEN TOUR company offers all fans of religion a trip to Mount Ararat - the biblical symbol of all Christians, and Mount Kazbek, without which it is impossible to imagine Georgia. During the trip, tourists will be able to visit the ancient temples and churches, having become acquainted with the ancient architecture of these countries.

Tourists who are interested in geological issues will be able to visit unique places, which are quite numerous in both countries - these are deep gorges, mountains, extinct volcanoes, mountain rivers and lakes. In Armenia, for example, all the mountain peaks are extinct volcanoes. The highest of them is Mount Aragats, which rises at an altitude of 4095 meters. The largest extinct volcano in Georgia, Kazbek, rises to the level of 5050 meters.

Tours in Armenia and Georgia will allow tourists to get to know the original culture of these countries closely, to get acquainted with the life of the peoples inhabiting them. Very interesting is the work of these Caucasian peoples, which is expressed in songs, paintings, sculptures. You can see real works of art in numerous museums located in these countries. Fans of theatrical art can attend performances and other performances that are played out on the theater stages of Armenia and Georgia, and often on the streets and squares of their cities.

In Armenia and Georgia, the spirit of ancient civilizations remained, which are saturated with their lands, mountains and seas.

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